Northwood University Study Abroad Policies
General academic and disciplinary policies set forth by Northwood University guide the administration, planning, and program development of our study abroad programs. Study abroad program policies and procedures are established primarily for the protection and safety of faculty and students who participate in study abroad. Students are expected to read and adhere to the policies outlined below.
The University holds students responsible for their behavior when they participate in study abroad programs, as the behavior of students, both positive and negative, reflects upon the University. During my participation with any Northwood University study abroad program or activity, I agree that I will follow the Northwood University Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Northwood University Student Handbook. I agree that academic policies apply to study abroad programs just as they do to regular, on-campus courses. In addition, I understand that all members of the University community, including students, have the obligation to adhere to the policies and regulations of the University and the laws of the state and local jurisdictions and, when traveling abroad, those of the foreign country or foreign jurisdiction. I recognize that the University holds students accountable to a higher standard of behavior than what is minimally expected by law.
I understand that students whose behavior is contrary to the law and/or University regulations and policies will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
I understand the ramifications of not abiding by this policy and the Student Handbook as a whole may include, but are not limited to the following:
• Disciplinary probation
• Restitution or reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of institutional property
• Suspension of rights and privileges, including participation in future extracurricular activities and study abroad programs
• Assignment of a failing grade for an examination or assignment or a course relating to the study abroad program
• Suspension from the University for a specified period of time
• Expulsion from the University
• Other penalties as deemed appropriate by Northwood University under the circumstances
Northwood University will never knowingly put students at risk.
In study abroad, as in other settings, participants can have a major impact on their own health and safety abroad through the decisions they make before and during the program and by their day-to-day choices and behaviors. There are risks that are unique to the study abroad setting, and when those rare incidents occur, the impact on participants and their families is often more profound because of the unfamiliarity of the context and the distance that separates participants from their primary sources of consolation and support.
While abroad, it is important for students to keep in contact with their family and friends – to provide reassurance, inform them of safe arrivals, etc.
Northwood University generally:
• Cannot eliminate all risks from the Study Abroad environments.
• Cannot monitor or control all the daily personal decisions, choices, and activities of individual participants.
• Cannot prevent participants from engaging in illegal, dangerous, or unwise activities.
• Cannot assure that U.S. standards of due process apply in overseas legal proceedings or provide or pay for legal representation for participants.
Students and parents should:
• Read and carefully consider all materials issued by Northwood University that relate to safety, health, legal, environmental, political, cultural, and religious conditions in host countries.
• Consider their health and other personal circumstances when applying for or accepting a place in the program.
• Make available to Northwood University any personal data that is necessary in planning for a safe and healthy Study Abroad experience.
• Assume responsibility for all the elements necessary for their personal preparation for the program and participate fully in class sessions and orientations.
• Privately obtain and maintain appropriate insurance coverage for overseas travel and abide by any conditions imposed by the carriers.
Academic policies apply to Study Abroad programs just as they do to regular, on-campus courses. Grading is done using the same scale as on-campus courses. Regular and complete attendance is expected. Grades and grade appeals for study abroad courses are treated in the same manner as for on-campus courses. Students should review the Academic Information Guide distributed to all students at the beginning of each academic year, and the Northwood University Undergraduate Catalog for information on all such policies.
Any disciplinary or academic (e.g., cheating or plagiarism) matters will be reported to the respective Dean of Students and/or Academic Dean, and to the Dean of International Programs. Faculty have a right to dismiss a student because of plagiarism or cheating. Faculty also have the right to dismiss a student from any Study Abroad program if it is felt the student’s actions are interfering with the program or endangering the health and safety of other participants. Dismissal from a Study Abroad program shall be construed as dismissal from the University, and the student must then follow the regular re-admission process.
Students must be enrolled in those courses for which they will receive credit within a study abroad program prior to the beginning of the program. All tuition and fees must be paid prior to the beginning of the program. Students are responsible for meeting with an academic counselor to arrange for any course substitutions prior to departure from the United States.
In some curriculums, students may need to make arrangements to take required courses (that are only offered in terms while students are abroad) via correspondence or independent study in order to maintain progress toward degree completion. Such arrangements should be discussed with the Academic Dean’s office and arranged well in advance of departure from the United States.
Northwood University reserves the right to withdraw a student’s acceptance to or participation in a study abroad program if the student fails to enroll in courses or pay in full tuition and program fees prior to previously established deadlines or prior to departure from the United States.
Northwood University reserves the right to request additional information from individual students in order to review any individual study abroad application. The Dean of Students may be asked to provide information about any individual student’s behavioral patterns or specific disciplinary actions in order to review a study abroad application.
Traveling to an international location brings with it special stresses and responsibilities, both in relation to other members of the group, our international hosts, and other travelers. Being thrown together in close quarters with other members of the group can cause tension and friction, and Northwood University expects you to handle such situations with understanding, courtesy and tact. Some other cultures even believe that Americans are inherently loud, coarse, rude and slovenly. Northwood University recognizes that it is up to you to prove them wrong.
• Courtesy and Language: Northwood University expects students participating in study abroad programs to learn and use the basic courtesies in the language of each country we visit. Bad language and crude remarks in English embarrass and upset many of our group members as well as the leaders. Furthermore, they are understood by many other cultures. Crude language is not acceptable.
• Dress and Appearance: Take pride in your appearance and dress appropriately for the countries you are visiting. Your leaders will give you advice on what clothing is appropriate in different countries and circumstances, and you must follow their directions.
• Attendance: The study abroad academic program is designed to combine the fun and excitement of travel with serious educational benefits. To receive proper credit, students must attend all scheduled classes, tours and events. Specific academic penalties for missing individual classes are set forth in the course syllabi.
• Immature Behavior: This trip is a unique educational experience, designed to give you firsthand insight into the accumulated treasures of another country or region’s history and culture. You are expected to act in a mature, responsible manner at all times during the program. Students who engage in immature, crude or indecent behavior that brings disrepute to the group as a whole risk immediate disciplinary action.
• Accommodations: Northwood University relies on the behavior of it students to maintain good relations with our hotels, hostels, and other places of stay. Students must be respectful of accommodations staff and show courtesy toward desk and dining room staff at all times. In addition, you must be considerate of other guests. This includes avoiding loud parties late at night, being loud in hallways and other common areas, or keeping your door open. Visit behind closed doors in the privacy of your own room.
You are expected to clean up after yourself. Trash, whether papers, packaging or empty bottles, is to be put in trash containers. Accidents happen: If you break something, notify the staff and offer to pay for it (if you do this, chances are you won’t be charged). Students who deliberately “trash” a room may be subject to disciplinary action.
You must pay for any charges to your room (laundry, telephone calls, drinks, etc.) before you leave a hotel. To deliberately avoid paying these charges is dishonest and a crime. If you fail to do this and your group leader has to do it for you, you may be subject to discipline and must reimburse the group leader.
Students are expected to stay in the accommodations reserved for the group. Students may not allow persons not in the program to stay in their rooms.
• Stealing: Any student who steals anything, however trifling, will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
• Drinking: Alcohol may be an integral part of other cultures you will be exploring. However, excessive drinking is not appropriate. It also puts you at risk for making bad decision and engaging in dangerous activities. Riotous intoxication is not considered amusing, but shameful. Northwood University requires you to follow all local laws and regulations related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, the following are prohibited:
o Consuming alcoholic beverages onboard hired transportation
o Consuming alcoholic beverages in public places where these are not sold, e.g., on city benches or public transit
o Arriving intoxicated for tours or classes
o Creating a disturbance in Northwood arranged hotels
o Drinking alcoholic beverages at NU sponsored events
• Drugs: Students may not use or possess any illegal drugs. Northwood University requires you to follow all local laws and regulations related to the drug possession and use. The laws and penalties in many other countries are much harsher than in the USA and Canada. If you fall into the hands of another country’s justice system, there is very little Northwood University, your parents, or the U.S. Embassy or Canadian Embassy can do for you. Students using, holding or distributing illegal drugs while with the group will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
• Weapons: Students may not possess on their person or in their luggage anything that may be considered a weapon, such as guns (even inoperable antiques) or knives. Any such items bought abroad must be mailed, not carried home.
• Reporting Violations: It must be understood that, like it or not, the group as a whole will be judged by the actions of each member. Therefore, it is each student’s responsibility to make sure fellow students behave appropriately. If you see someone behaving in a way that is contrary to this policy or that may embarrass the group, don’t ignore it, do something about it. The image of the study abroad group is every member’s business. If you feel uncomfortable confronting a troublemaker yourself, tell a group leader. If that makes you uncomfortable, inform a leader anonymously, through a note. Keeping silent about behavior problems invariably makes the problems worse and may end up harming the group as much as the unacceptable behavior itself. By bringing a behavior problem to the attention of a group leader, you are protecting the reputation of the study abroad group, and thereby your own.
Gross violations of this policy may result in suspension from the program, expulsion from the University, or other disciplinary actions. Lesser violations may result in other penalties as noted earlier in this document. In cases where a problem or violation cannot be traced to specific individuals, general sanctions may be imposed.
Planning for study abroad is often finalized weeks or even months ahead of time, and many costs are incurred prior to departure. The University cannot refund to the student money that has already been spent or committed. Though individual circumstances vary widely, the general refund policy is as follows :
• A student who voluntarily withdraws, is withdrawn or dismissed from the program prior to departure may receive a refund, less the portion of the tuition and fees that has already been spent or committed by the University prior to departure,
• A student who withdraws for any reason once the program has begun, may receive a refund, less the portion of the tuition and fees not already committed to fixed costs (salaries, airfare, hotels, etc.) or those funds not considered to be non-refundable deposits or down payments, and
• A student who is dismissed from a program which is underway shall receive NO refund of any fees.
Northwood University does not assume any responsibility for students who choose to stay at the foreign location beyond the scheduled date of group departure or at the defined end of the program. The University’s responsibility ends as of the departure of the group from that location. After that point, students are no longer considered as being a participant in a Northwestern University study abroad program.