Register for our open house on Feb 8th
The annual Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented to alumni who have shown dedication and achievement in their careers, support and involvement in their local communities, and support and commitment to Northwood University.
Award Types:
Alumni Achievement Award – Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding achievement in his or her chosen career and support the Northwood Idea.
Alumni Leadership Award – Nominee’s degree must have impacted his or her current success in his or her business and community. Nominee must have demonstrated his or her support to Northwood University through various opportunities.
Alumni Service Award –Nominees serve humanity and dedicate their work to our society’s social, economic, and environmental needs. They demonstrate a commitment to bettering the lives of others. Nominees are spiritual leaders or serve in the military or public service positions.
Young Alumni Award –Nominee must have graduated within 10 years of receiving their award. Nominee must be a consistent active alumni participant and support Northwood University.
Your narrative is instrumental in the committee’s selection process. Please provide as much detail as possible for the following areas.