Register for our open house on Feb 8th
Applications should be submitted when you are within 2 Semesters of completion of your course requirements. Please submit this online graduation application form and pay your $80 graduation fee to the Northwood University Business Office.
NOTE: Final transcripts and diplomas will not be processed without a zero balance for the degree being applied for, including the $80 graduation fee payment.
For multiple majors, please hold the Control (Ctrl) button down and select additional major(s).
Student audits are based on course work completed at the time of the audit and information provided above. In order to participate in graduation ceremonies, students must have: A) an approved plan to complete by the end of summer of the current academic year for May commencement and end of fall semester for December commencement and B) a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average. Any requests for exceptions must be made in writing and approved by the Academic Dean.